Tammy Baldwin, Junior United States Senator from Wisconsin blocks the bill on ballast water and planning to pass a bill that supports the great lakes that helps the coastal economy.
Baldwin released the statement after the Senate failed to pass cloture on the Coast Guard authorization legislation that affects great lakes.

Along with the Environmentalists & Great Lakes advocates, Tammy Baldwin breath a sigh of relief on Wednesday after she voted against a measure that will have had a great impact on Clean Water Act.
On April 18, 2018, the Senate blocked the piece of legislation on a measure that will regulate US Coast Guard to ballast water into bodies of water like Lake Michigan. Actually, the ballast water is carried in the ship’s ballast tanks to improve stability and balance but while filling it also picks the animals and plants that live in the ocean.
“Rolling back clean water protection could increase the spread of invasive species in Great Lakes, harming the entire region. I’m proud of my vote to stand w/our Great Lakes. Let's find a solution that supports our Coast Guards, protects Great lakes & helps our coastal economy” tweeted Sen. Tammy Baldwin.
Rolling back clean water protections could increase the spread of invasive species in Great Lakes, harming the entire region. I’m proud of my vote to stand w/our Great Lakes. Let’s find a solution that supports our Coast Guard, protects Great Lakes & helps our coastal economy. https://t.co/ve5WYPt3Mn
— Sen. Tammy Baldwin (@SenatorBaldwin) April 18, 2018
The step was taken to give Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) authority to manage contaminated ship’s ballast water to stop contamination in US Ocean. The measure will put a brake on bringing the unwanted species from other parts of the world.