Sean Hannity also known as Sean Patrick Hannity was born on December 30, 1961, in New York, United States of America. He is an American radio and television host, author and political commentator.
Sean Hannity is married to Jill Rhodes and has two children, namely Merri Kelly Hannity and Patrick Hannity. The couple started dating back in 1992 and eventually after one year they tied their knot. Their romance blossomed when Sean solicited Jill’s idea as she was a journalist for Huntsville Times back then. It was even noted that Jill was impressed by Scan following his voice mail messages and exchange of ideas.
But recent turmoil has arrived in marriage life of this couple. Sean Hannity had seen publicly commenting about ‘Magic Mike’ actor, Channing Tatum in an awkward manner.
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“I was sitting there in the theatre with my wife like I normally do on Saturdays, but something was just different this time,” said Hannity.
“My mind just cleared and I found myself mesmerized by Channing Tatum’s glistening chest. The baby oil drew my attention to a single tear of sweat that slid down Tatum’s breast and dripped off his erect nipple like a leaky faucet and my pants just exploded”, he added.
Sean Hannity hosting Fox News show Hannity Source:
“While I was watching Magic Mike, I couldn’t help but think what it would be like to be the stripper pole Tatum twirled on,” said Hannity.
“That made me happy and I want to be happy all the time”, he quoted.
Hannity has expressed these feelings for Males for years. This has had an impact on their marriage who knows if he doesn't stop talking about wanting to be a pole for some other guys we can't say a divorce will not occur. If that happens we are totally gonna support Jill.
Being a political commentator and analyst Hannity is very active regarding the present Presidential event and his Twitter is flooded with such posts related to political faces like Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump and even Former President like Bill Clinton.