Morgan Nagler is a musician first and then an actress. Rarely you get to hear that a girl is a lead guitarist of a band but hey, here's Morgan, the lead guitarist of the indie project, Whispertown. More than that, she is also the lead vocalist and a songwriter.
As you might have seen all guitarists are cool but our Morgan is more than cool. She is a sweet, beautiful person and a philanthropist. So let's know if she is single or dating?
Morgan Nagler is Currently in Love With Her Man
According to her Instagram posts, Morgan Nagler is currently dating. It appears Morgan has found herself a man because she seems so happy when she is with him and she is not even hiding.
You can check her Instagram posts and you will see what we mean. So, who is the lucky guy? Honestly, we do not have any other sources than the person herself but can the specifics be trusted? Yes, 100% as the facts are coming from the source itself.

Okay then, no more dillydallying. Here's the answer. Morgan, an Oregon base girl is currently in love with Jake Elbows. Who is Jake then? Most probably a musician, right?
Yup if you had guessed it, then you were right. Jake Elbows was the lead singer of the indie band, Neva Dinova from Omaha, Nebraska until 2008. Prior Neva Dinova, the singer was linked to another band, Bright Eyes but not for too long. There was a long break after Neva Dinova. Now he is a solo performer.

Jake's popularity is not limited not only to Omaha but has spread outside Omaha too. We do not have the details of where and when they met but we can take a guess that they most probably met while performing. Duh! both are musicians.

We are not sure how long they have been together but according to a source, while Jake was performing in New York City, his girlfriend was there, most probably Morgan.
Nonetheless, Morgan and Jake are together now and enjoy each other's company plus a dog that they seem to love equally. Even though wedding bells are not too soon expected but they are happy with the present and their dog. The couple celebrates each and every festival together, whenever possible, whenever both are not performing.

Apart from being a musician, Morgan is also an equally talented actress best known for her roles in Domino, Evolution, and American Pie 2.