How much is Ronn Owens' net worth? Uncover his career and awards too

We all get excited when it comes to knowing how much our celebrities earn. Some celebrities earn more than other. From their music, hosting, concerts, they earn quite a lot during their time.

Today's news is about Ronn Owens who dedicated his years for to be a radio personality. From award winning the show to hosting big events Rowen always made his impression on his auditions.

Ronn Owens' net worth and career

Ronn Owens has dedicated most of his ages in the radio and news world. There is no exact record of his property of this radio host but Rowen was paid over $1 million per year, the highest salary for any broadcaster in the Northern California.

KGO Radio icon, Robert Owens is one of the renowned radio personality. Owen committed 35 years of his life to top rated program KGO810. In that period of time, thousands of recognizable faces appeared on his show, including President Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Steve Martin, Condoleezza RicE and much more.

KGO's Ronn Owens after interviewing President Obama, Source: Martyn Emiko

With his conservation skills, sense of humor and rapid questions, it took no time for Ronn to be famous.Over the years, he is known as a versatile host.

Talking about Owen's started his career in broadcasting back in 1968. Before Ronn started his service in the KGO Radio San Francisco, he hosted radio programs in Miami.

Michael Maloney KGO morning talk show host Ronn Owens shares a laugh with his friend Larry, Source: SFGate

After the bad ratings from the past four years, KGO fired all of his show hosts except Owens  On December 2, 2011. But in 2016, Ronn moved to another station named KGO's sister KFSO.

However, in the same year, Veteran Bay Area talk show host Ronn Owens returned to KGO. As for now, Owen is in the KGO station, doing one of the KGO Newstalk 810.

Awards and accomplishments of Ronn Owens

For his years of service in the news world, Ronn is awarded by several prestigious awards and now is the host of the top-rated program KGO 810.

Talkers magazine named Owens one of the greatest Radio Talk show Host of All time in 2002. In the same year, he was ranked 13th in the top local personality in the country.

Profile of KGO radio personality Ronn Owens listening to SF Chronicle's Phil Bronstein, Source: SF Chronicle

Ronn Owens talks about his brain surgery

KGO Radio Talk show host, Owens had a hard time when he was diagnosed with transient global amnesia(TGA) on September 24, 2007. For last 13 years, Ronn suffered from this horrible disease but went public in 2014.

After the surgery, when the host was asked about  his brain surgery, he replied:

"Just the normal thing, go in and have a couple of holes drilled into your head and have some wires put in."

Ronn Owen recovering from the surgery, Source: Nt media

The legendary host, Owen have dedicated most of his life to the news world and we wish him to stay healthy in upcoming days.

Ronn won the honorable and prestigious award Marconi Award, for Major Market Personality of the Year by the National Association of Broadcasters in 2003 and 2010.

In November 2015, all of Owen's hard work paid off when he was inducted into the National Radio Hall of Fame, one of the top honor any radio broadcaster can achieve.