The Professor, or El Professor, played by talented Spanish actor Alvaro Morte fell in love with the very person working on his case, Raquel Murillo. In real life, however, his relationship with wife Blanca Clemente is not that dramatic.
Who is Blanca Clemente, Alvaro Morte’s Wife?
Alvaro Morte’s wife Blanca Clemente is a stylist. The two have been together for several years.
Blanca, 42 years old, also shares Morte’s passion for acting as the two have started a theatre company called 300 Pistolas (300 Pistols). The company was founded in 2012 to provide the audience with a more engaging and modern experience.
Alvaro Morte is a Father of Two Children
Alvaro Morte and Blanca Clemente are parents to non-identical twins, Julieta Morte and Leon Morte. The family of four lives in Madrid.
Mirage actor Morte is very private regarding his personal life and there are very few pictures of the family on both Alvaro and Blanca’s social media accounts.
Alvaro Morte Had a Tumor Removed from his leg
Before he shot to mainstream fame, Alvaro had a difficult procedure performed on him. In 2011, he was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor in his leg. He underwent treatment and was declared free from cancer.
After the surgery, he told, “At first I thought I was going to die, that my leg was cut but nothing happened. However, at that time I was thinking- if I die in three months, can I do it calmly? Have I respected the people around me who love me? Have I been faithful to my principles?”