British reality star, Ollie Locke revealed his sorrowful past filled with scarred memories of being a victim of bullying yesterday on This Morning. The reality star had his first traumatic experience at the age of seven when he was bullied by a teacher.
Ollie on This Morning talking about bullying. Source: Evening Standard
He shared how his childhood was hell as he dreaded going to school and he couldn’t really talk about him being bullied to anyone either.
"It was a teacher, and when you're at that age you trust the teacher as much as you can. This was a really awful situation. I was sick every morning on the way to school. My mum and teachers couldn't work out what was wrong with me. I never told anyone.” expressed Ollie to hosts Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield.
However, the case of bullying didn’t just limit to his initial schooling years and followed him to his days in university as well. After training to become an actor, he attended an agricultural college to study property but his fellow students as Ollie recalls “just didn’t like me”.
“They used to do all sorts of things to me, they would throw pints on my head, they weed on my car and threw bottles at me.”
“It was just that feeling of being an adult and you're in this situation, in the big wide world but you're not and I felt like I was a child again and you don't want to tell people."
Ollie was hopeful about his story encouraging others to open up about their bullying stories,
"It's my chance now to tell people to go and talk to someone."
"That's the main thing I'm here for [today] - is to make sure people go and tell people because 40 percent of people don't and that is so bad. I lived a horrendous life."