Muhammad Ali, an American professional boxer, he passed away just a day ago (June 3) and it was heartbreaking to lose such a great boxing legend.
Ali married 4 times in his life and has seven daughters and two sons.b
To talk about Khaliah Ali, she is one of the children of Muhammad Ali but she is the daughter born from his extramarital affairs. When Ali was still married to his second wife Boyd, Khaliah was born. Khaliah's mother is Wanda Bolton. Despite this reason, Khaliah is Muhammad love child.
Muhammad Ali's children Source:
Khaliah grew up living with her mother, beginning at an early age she struggled with her weight. Being a heavy child, she always hesitated to click family photos. Khaliah used the words like thick-bones, chubby and thick for her and relating herself with father, she said-
"I was built like my father; I was built like the heavyweight champion of the world"
Khaliah who is 42 now, at the age of 30 years weight 335 lbs. Father Muhammad was much concerned about her but never complained about the weight and always made her realized that she is beautiful just the way she is. At her age of 35, as a guest speaker of “My Moment of Truth” , she talked about her successful book “Fighting Weight”. She shared how she overcome the weight struggle.