An American author and political commentator, Charles Krauthammer is best known as a non-practicing physician whose daily column is syndicated to more than 400 publications across the world. Here’s an article that presents five interesting facts which you should know about Charles Krauthammer.
Charles is also known as the dogmatic pundit of an American Pulitzer as he is an excellent outlook writer. So without any delay let’s know some of the five interesting facts about Charles Krauthammer.
Five facts you need to know about Charles Krauthammer
Charles Krauthammer was born on 13 March 1950 in New York. He attended McGill University and completed his graduation with 1st class honors in economics and political science. He even studied at Balliol College as a Common Wealth Scholar in political before returning to the US to attend medical school at Harvard.
Also read: Five facts about Charles Krauthammer and son Daniel Krauthammer
5. Charles Krauthammer- Permanently paralyzed
During the period of his study at Harvard Medical School, Charles became permanently paralyzed from his neck downward. He became paralyzed after his driving accident. To recover from the accident, he was hospitalized for 14 months and is still using the wheelchair since.
Youtube: Five facts you need to know about Charles Krauthammer
And after spending 14 months in the hospital, he returned to medical school to become a renowned psychiatrist, who involved in the creation of the Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder III and Diagnostic. Later, developed his career as a writer.
4. Charles Krauthammer- Still recovering from Surgery
Back in 2017, the conservative columnist, Charles said that he is making quite good progress in his recovery for his complicated post-surgery. Previously, he spent 14 months in hospital to recover from his accident; now his fans were worried, so Charles promised his fans on Fox news that he will return soon.

As Krauthammer's fans sent him cards, letters, and good wishes to him, the circumstances of his surgery still remains a part of a mystery. He has undergone pre-planned surgery as there were some of the complications after his operation.
3. Charles Krauthammer- Worked with Inside Washington
Well, Inside Washington was a political roundtable show hosted by Gordon Peterson and WJLA news presenter. The owner of WJLA, Allbritton produced the show. The show aired between the year 1988 to 2013. And Charles was the regular member of the show Inside Washington.

Charles Krauthammer worked for the show- Inside Washington, in the late 1990s as the regular member and work form the work 1990 to 2013.
2. Charles Krauthammer- Co-founder of Pro Musica Hebraica
Well, it’s true that Charles is the member of the Chess Journalist of America and also the member of Council on Foreign Relations. More than this, he is also the co-founder of Pro Musica Hebraica- one of the non-profit organization which devoted to present Jewish classical music.

In the year 2013, Charles received the William f. Buckley Award for his excellence in Media. Well, Charles is a Jewish but he is not religious, and it looks as if he co-found Pro Musica Hebraica.
1. Charles Krauthammer- Supporter of Abortion Legalization
Well, it’s a fact that this political commentator is a supporter of the abortion legalization. But he opposed
- 1. the practice of intentionally ending a life to relieve suffering and pain,
- 2. The death penalty,
- 3. Religious argument for the existence of the GOD.
Youtube: Krauthammer on Pope's Decision to Allow Priests to Forgive Abortion
So these are the five facts about Charles Krauthammer. And as a bonus, we present you more five short quick facts about Charles Krauthammer.
In the year 2002, Charles Krauthammer was appointed to the President George W. Bush’s Presidential Council, and he supported the relaxing Bush administration’s limits on federal funding.
Charles Krauthammer has been living a happy married life with wife Robyn. She is a lawyer but she concentrations in her work as an artist.
In 2006, during the Lebanon War, Charles wrote a column- Let Israel Win the War". But later on, he was criticized by the Prime Minister of Israel.
Charles Krauthammer is neither a global warming believer nor a denier.
In the year 2006, the Financial Times called Charles as the most influential commentator in America. They added that Charles had influenced US foreign policy for more than two decades.