CNN's Chief political correspondent and popular anchorwoman Dana Ruth Schwartz popular as Dana Bash is an American political affair Journalist. she is good for news anchoring which runs in her blood as Dana and her father Frances Schwartz both shares a long history of News anchoring.
Dana is related to two of USA's famous personalities Jeremy Bash A former CIA's Chief of Staff and John King From CNN's hit political show called inside politics. The relationship is undoubtedly a complex matter but in this case, it is totally irrational.
Dana and former CIA Jeremy Bash's wedding:
It looks like the Journalist has a very loose grip on her personal life which seems to push the men away from her life.
Dana Bash and Jeremy Bash had a very extravagant wedding in 1998 which was held in National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington. Their wedding was featured in Newyork times back in 1998. At that time Dana was an assignment editor in the Washington bureau of the famous Cable News Network while Jeremy was just a Clark in Federal District Court in Alexandria.
The pair were married for nine years and it is a shocking story that she was with Jeremy in his rough years of while he was working as a clerk and as a privet lawyer. But they separated when Jeremy finally became a CIA's Executive, operating in the Whitehouse.
The couple was together for eight years. Our sources clarify that Dana wanted a baby but Jeremy was in no position to fulfill her needs due to his growing responsibilities in CIA.This conflict finally led to the separation of the couple in 2007.
Dana is related to two of USA's famous personalities Jeremy Bash A former CIA's Chief of Staff and John King From CNN's hit political show called inside politics. The relationship is undoubtedly a complex matter but in this case, it is totally irrational.
An article on Washington Examiner hints towards Dana and King dating before her divorce with Jeremy. The report about their wedding in Examiner shows Dana was with King before her divorce. So, it is clear that She was having an extramarital affair with her co-worker friend John King in absence of Jeremy Bash.
Let's have a look at her second wedding that took place in 2008:
[ CAPTION: Dana Bash and John king weeding ][ SOURCE: Pinterest]
Dana who has kicked her husband Jeremy out of her life in 2007, is still popular with her previous husband's surname "Bash". She had a huge wedding in the City of Washington DC with Bash but this was not the only grand wedding she had in her life. Dana again had a royal wedding with her co-worker John King.
Dana Bash remarried John King in 2008:
Dana did not marry John King in her hometown of Washington may be for the obvious reason of marrying Jeremy Bash in DC. She wedded John in Wequassett Inn Resort & Golf Club in Chatham, Cape Cod outside Washington. Like her first wedding, her second wedding was also held the lavish Resort and was featured in the Washington Times too.

John was a follower of Christianity converted to Judaism before marrying Dana. Dana is Jewish by her religion which is undoubtedly one of the primary reason for John's religion Change. This act of religion conversion by the groom just before his marriage with a Jewish girl tells more than anyone can guess.
But her second wedding also didn't last for long. CNN anchor Dana Bash and husband John King separated back in 2013, and finalize their divorce after three years of marital separation.
While talking about the reason behind their separation, an anonymous source stated that:
It was John who decided to split up with her. She was quite heartbroken when he said he wanted to separate. She was trying her best to keep her married life intact even, after the separation. But now, it seems reconciliation is out question. This is the reason why she has decided to end it once and for all.
The former couple is blessed with a son Jonah Frank King in 2012. Just three months after welcoming their first child into the world, John and Dana began living separately. Sources have also said that John might have accused Dana of bearing someone else’s child.
John even thought of quitting CNN and could not attend office for several months. King even accused that Frank King was not his biological son. This shows that Dana believes in her religion and accepts its customary thoughts blindly. So was she a woman who married King only for her selfish reason to become a mother?