Billionaire Tech Entreprenur Marc Benioff married to Lynne Benioff, Marc and his wife involved in philanthropic activities

The CEO of cloud computing company-, Mark Benioff, along with his wife and former girlfriend, Lynne Benioff, have been involved in many different philanthropic activities. Their humanitarian activities geared up in 2008 after their daughter was born undergoing a complicated pregnancy at the UCSF hospital. Immediately after this disconsolate event, the couple decided to donate $20 million anonymously to the hospital. And since then, this couple has been remarkably drawn to various philanthropic activities across the world.

Mark, who is married to wife Lynne, ranks as tenth in the list of ‘Top 25 Millionaires & Billionaires That Are Using Their Money to Save the World’ tied up with Mark Zuckerberg, the owner of famous social website ‘Facebook’.

In March of 2014, Mark organized an initiative called SF Gives to raise $10 million for regional antipoverty programs. Reportedly Mark himself took the mission in his hands, got on the phone himself and successfully pushed executives at Box, Google, Jawbone, Zynga (ZNGA), and 15 other tech companies to join Salesforce in the cause. “During the severe backlash, there was a willingness by some companies that weren’t as involved to do something,” says Daniel Lurie of the nonprofit Tipping Point Community, which Benioff conscripted to run the program. This was a two way advantage for the tech genius as he could collect a large sum for his project as well as restrain the growing frictions between the local tech community and its neighbors.

Mark is a self-made billionaire and a source of inspiration for everyone in this field. He has helped invent a whole new category of tech called “software-as-a-service,” where companies rent their software over the Internet, instead of install it on computers. Along the way Mark had to face a lot of hurdles and failures but he persisted all along and today his worth about $US2.71 billion, according to Forbes. However, his initial wealth came from running sales and marketing during Oracle's early days, from 1986-1999. He was making a salary of $US300000 a year at Oracle by age 26, according to CNN Money. 

Mark’s philanthropic missions started in 1999 itself when he initiated the 1-1-1 model of corporate philanthropy, in which the company would send 1 percent of its stock, products, and employees’ working time to the company foundation.

“Our big message is that we live in this nirvana,” Benioff says of the campaign, which he hopes to expand to 100 tech companies in the year ahead. “But don’t think we’re not going to ask you to give. We want you to give, and we want you to make it part of your company.”

Having completed his education from the University of Southern California where he earned his Bachelor of Arts / Science degree. Mark has paddled right into this mire of urban transformation and socioeconomic anxiety. He’s 51 years old with a height of 6 foot 5 and a net worth of $3.8 billion. A cherubic face, thinning hair, and the tech industry’s customary inclination toward displays of arrogance and grandiosity gives him the personality of a tech tycoon. He also has an uncanny talent for drawing attention to deeply unsexy subjects—first it was business software, now its corporate philanthropy.