Afton Smith is an American actress most popular for her roles in "Fried Green Tomatoes", "George of the Jungle" and "Reality Bites". Previously, Smith was married to her Brendan Fraser. Their relationship did not go well thus the couple parted away.
What might be the reason behind Afton Smith and Brendan Fraser divorce? Here, learn about her marital life and divorce issues below.
Afton Smith and Brendan Fraser
Before jumping off the topic, what's funny or say co-incidence about Afton Smith and Brendan Fraser is that they were born on same day, 3rd December. Brendan and Afton met at a barbecue at Winona Ryder's house on 4th July 1993.
The lovebirds knew each other for a long time before they decided to take it official. Well, they got engaged in October 1997.
[ CAPTION: Afton Smith dating ][ SOURCE: Amazon ]
After about one year of their engagement, Afton and Brendan got married on 21st September 1998 at the "Bel Air Hotel" in Los Angeles. But they had to get a divorce by 17th April 2008 because of some issues.
Together, they have three children named Griffin Arthur Fraser (born on 17th September 2002), Holden Letcher Fraser (born on 16th August 2004) and Leland Francis Fraser (born on 2nd May 2006).

Actually, the couple separated in the year 2007 but their divorce got finalized in 2009. Brendan, in this case, agreed to pay $300,000 annually in child support where Afton asked for $900,000 per year. Hell of an amount, right!!
[ CAPTION: Afton Smith and Brendan Fraser ][ SOURCE: Celebrities]
After the divorce, they didn’t really have a good connection. In fact, Afton even accused Fraser of hiding financial assets when he was petitioned by the court to pay amounts for child support and stuffs like that.
The court supported Brendan in this case and reduced the alimony. However, Afton was not happy about this since Brendan’s total net worth is $25 million and that he was lying about not being able to pay the spousal support fees.
[ CAPTION: Afton Smith and Brendan Fraser][ SOURCE: divorcedebbie ]
What really happened between Afton Smith and Brendan Fraser?
The couple didn’t reveal anything about what happened between them. It seems like they wanted to keep it off the media and maybe they didn’t want anyone to judge them.
It sounds fair to me, but it was 9 years of freaking relationship. It means they were so in love with each other and had some serious disputes or maybe one of them cheated on each other.
[ CAPTION: Afton Smith and Brendan Fraser ][ SOURCE: Celebrities]
You know, it's really hard to predict the relationship of the high profile celebrity cuz they love to keep their personal life out of paparazzi or to stay out of controversies. Same is the case with Afton Smith. She did not want to reveal the reason behind their divorce.