Actor Dann Florek, aged 65, is reportedly hoping to retire in the next few years to enjoy married life with his wife and family. The Law & Order star has allegedly been thinking of retiring from the show biz because he wants to spend the rest of his years with his dearest wife, a source says.
The insider, who claims to have known Florek closely, revealed the actor’s intention of quitting Hollywood in a few years’ time. The source claimed that Florek had been thinking about retirement for a very long time because he wanted to be with his wife in his old age.
According to the tale bearer, the Law and Order alum and his wife Karen had been discussing the right time for his retirement for quite a long time. And they have decided to wait a couple of years for Florek’s big day.
“Dann is expecting to retire in a few years’ time. He and his wife Karen have been thinking about this for a very long time and now finally, they have decided to do it in a few years, two years maybe,” said the source.
The source further added: “Dann wanted to retire as soon as he left Law & Order. But he remained active on screen due to his wife’s request. Karen is working as well and she wanted him to work in movies and TV shows for a few years. But now, Dann feels that he has worked enough and he wants to quit the show biz to spend the rest of his days with Karen.”
According to the gossip monger, the American actor and director, who is best known for his role as Donald Cragen on NBC's Law & Order and its spinoff Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, wanted to get away from work and Hollywood two years ago. But upon his wife’s request, he stayed.
The 65 year old hunk bade farewell to the long running show in 2013. Captain Donald Cragen left the show after 15 years and he took to Twitter countless times to share his sadness upon leaving the show.
He shared his love towards his fans and announced his departure from the show, but he did not reveal his desire to say good bye to the industry as well.
Florek left the show because his character, Captain Donald Cragen, was retiring from the force. The actor was 63 then and so was Captain, so it was obvious for his character to retire from the scene. And it seems that those final days in the show made him think of his retirement in real life as well.
“Dann and Karen have always been quite busy in their work. And now, they have both decided to halt their career in order to be with each other,” said the informant.
The much in love couple married in 1980, but they have no children.
The actor has an estimated net worth of $10 million dollars.